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2. 1. 2002

Soupis odborných publikací

  1. Horský - Zatloukal,O.(1963): Pùsobení přírody a člověka na vývoj zemského povrchu. Lidé a země,č.1,1963,s.36.
  2. Příhodová,A.-Horský,O.(1963): Zpráva o geologickém mapování mezi Penčicemi,Lazníky a Sobíšky. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1963,s.154,Praha.
  3. Horský,O.(1965): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro vodní nádrž na řece Lomné v Dolní Lomné. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1965, s.310–311,Praha.
  4. Horský,O.(1965): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum přehradního profilu na řece Hluchové v Nýdku u Bystřice nad Olší. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1965,s.318–319, Praha.
  5. Horský,O.(1965): Zpráva o inženýrskogeologickém průzkumu pro přehradu na řece Rožnovské Bečvě u Rožnova pod Radhoštěm. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1965, s.316 – 317,Praha.
  6. Horský,O.(1965): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehradu na Čižině u Brumovic. Geologický průzkum,č.12,1965,s.368 – 371,Praha.
  7. Horský,O.(1966): Zpráva o inženýrskogeologickém průzkumu pro vodní dílo na Zelenském potoce u Štítné nad Vláří. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1966,s.372–373,Praha.
  8. Horský,O.(1966): Výstavba vodních děl na Kypru. Inženýrské stavby,č.1,1968,s.330–332.
  9. Horský,O.(1966): Havárie stoky v Ostravě-Zábřehu. Vodní hospodářství,č.4,1967,s.162–163.Praha.
  10. Horský,O.(1967): La Ingeniería Geológica en Checoslovaquia. Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas, Vol.XXI,1967,s.1–10,Barcelona.
  11. Horský,O.-Richter,V.(1967): Inženýrskogeologický a hydrogeologický průzkum pro rekreační oblast Satina-Malenovice. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1967, s.320, Praha.
  12. Horský.O.(1967): Příčné řezy lávovým proudem Velkého Roudného. In.: Sborník: „Vulkanologické symposium“,s.18–21,Praha.
  13. Horský,O.(1967): Geologické poměry v přehradním místě Slezská Harta v Nízkém Jeseníku. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1967,s.316–317,Praha.
  14. Horký,O.(1968) : Vodní dílo Boadella v severovýchodních Pyrenejích ve Španělsku. Geologický průzkum,č.4.,1968, s.163–164.
  15. Horský, O. (1968): Inženýrsko-geologický průzkum pro přehradu na řece Hluchové v Nýdku u Bystřice nad Olší. Manuscript, Geotest Brno, 10 stran + přílohy.
  16. Horský,O.(1968) : Metodika polních smykových zkoušek ve Španělsku. Inženýrské stavby, č.12.,s.551–552.,Praha 1968.
  17. Horský,O.(1968) : Vodní díla Sau, Susqueda a Pasteral na řece Ter ve Španělsku. Inženýrské stavby, č.2., s.90–94., Praha 1969.
  18. Horský, 0.(1968) : Průsaky z přehrady Foix ve Španělsku. Vodní hospodářství, č.7., s.201–203., Praha 1969.
  19. Horský,0.(1968) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro návrh sanace břehů Oravské přehrady. Ročenka geologické sekce, č.1., s.36–40.,Brno 1969.
  20. Horský,0.(1969) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehradu na řece Moravici ve Slezské Hartě. Ročenka geologické sekce, č.1., s. 25–27.,Brno 1969.
  21. Horský,0.)1969) : Výstavba přehrad ve Španělsku. Lidé a země, č.3., s. 137–138., ČSAV Praha, 1969.
  22. Horský,O. (1969) : Příčiny morfologických změn na březích Oravské nádrže, s. 1–35 + obrazové přílohy. MS Geotest Brno, 1969.
  23. Horský,O. ( 1969) : The Causes of Morphological Changes at the Water Edges of Orava – reservoir. Stran 7 + obrazové přílohy a fotografie. MS Geotest Brno
  24. Horský, O. (1969): Cambios morfológicos en las orillas de la presa Orava. MS Geotest Brno, 1969.
  25. Horský,0.(1970) : Metodické poznámky k inženýrskogeologickému průzkumu pro klenbovou hráz na řece Jihlavě u Dalešic. Ročenka geologické sekce, č.2., s.44-59.,Brno 1970.
  26. Horský,O.(1970) : Metodické poznámky ke komplexní dokumentaci štol. Ročenka geologické sekce , č.3., s. 53-61, Brno 1970.
  27. Horský,O. ( 1970) : Oravská přehrada a deformace břehů nádrže. Lidé a země, 1970.
  28. Horský,0.(1971) : Použití letecké fotogrammetrie pro sledování břehových změn v zátopových oblastech přehrad. Geologický průzkum, č. 10.,s. 300-302, Praha 1971.
  29. Horský,O. - Neubauer,M. (1972) : Inženýrsko-geologické a hydrogeologické průzkumy realizované Geotestem Brno. In Sborník Vodní hospodářství v povodí Odry, s.299 – 304., Ostrava 1972.
  30. Horský,0.(1972) : Vliv Oravské vodní nádrže na proces břehových změn. In Sborník I, Přehradní dny 1972., s. 121 – 130., Banská Bystrica 1972.
  31. Horský,O. – Novosad,St. – Müller,K.(1972) : Zkušenosti z inženýrskogeologického průzkumu pro klenbovou hráz v Dalešicích. In Sborník ze symposia o výstavbě klenbových přehrad, ČS VTS., s. 154 – 177., Praha 1972.
  32. Horský,O. – Müller,K. – Trávníček,L.(1972) : Průzkum porušení čedičového příkrovu v přehradním místě Slezská Harta geologicko geofyzikálními metodami. In Sborník geologických věd, řada HIG.,sv. 10.,s.39 – 58., Praha 1972.
  33. Horský,0. – Müller,K. (1972) : Sesuvy na březích Oravské přehrady. In Sborník geologfických věd, řada HIG.,sv. 10.,s. 59 – 71.,Praha 1972.
  34. Müller,K. – Horský,O. a kol. (1972) : Zkušenosti z použití geofyzikálních metod při inženýrskogeolgickém průzkumu přehradních míst. In Sborník “Využití geofyziky v inženýrské geologii a hydrogeologii”, s. 169 – 180., Brno 1972.
  35. Horský,O. – Novosad,St. (1973) : Problematika zakládání v horských oblastech Beskyd. In Sborník “Zkušenosti se zakládáním staveb na Ostravsku”, s. 31 – 41.,ČS VTS ,Ostrava 1973.
  36. Horský,O. – Müller,K. (1973) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro PVE Dalešice. In Sborník “Přehradní dny 1973” s.148 – 165.,Ostrava 1973.
  37. Horský,0. – Woznica,L. (1973) : Problematika prognózy břehových změn v režimu kolísání hladiny údolních nádrží PVE. In Sborník “Přehradní dny 1973”., s. 140 – 147.,Ostrava 1973.
  38. Müller,K. – Horský,O. a kol. (1973) : Komplexní dokumentace průzkumných děl. In Sborník “Přehradní dny 1973”, s. 100- 111.,Ostrava 1973.
  39. Horský,0. – Müller,K. (1973) : Inženýrskogeologické poměry přehradního místa Dalešice na řece Jihlavě. In “Sborník geologických věd”, řada HIG., sv.11.,s.125 – 160., Praha 1974.
  40. Horský,O. – Janda,M. (1973) : Údolní nádrž na Moravici u Slezské Harty. In „Vodní hospodářství“, s.239-243, Praha 9/1973.
  41. Novosad,St. – Horský,O. (1973) : Inženýrsko geologické podmínky výstavby přehrad na Ostravsku. In „Vodní hospodářství“.,s.219-224, Praha 9/1979.
  42. Šamalíková,M. (1973) : Cvičení z geologie. Horský,O: Část obrazové přílohy skript pro výuku geologie. VUT Brno, 1973.
  43. Horský,O. – Müller,K. – Trávníček,L. (1974) : Complex documentation of exploratory workings. In “Sborník mezinárodního inženýrskogeologického kongresu”, Vol.VII, s. 8.1 – 8.8., Sao Paulo , Brazílie, 1974.
  44. Horský,0.(1974) : 15 let Ostravského pracoviště inženýrské geologie. Zpravodaj Geotestu, č.11.,s.7., 1974.
  45. Horský,0. (1974) : Současný stav inženýrské geologie a uplatnění absolventů v inženýrskogeologické praxi. In Sborník “20 let hornické geologie na VŠB v Ostravě”, s.64 –65. Ostrava 1974.
  46. Horský,O. (1974) : Metodika a aplikace moderních metod při inženýrskogeologickém průzkumu pro přehradu v Dalešicích. Kandidátská práce, Geotest Brno - VŠB Ostrava 1974, s. 120 + fotografická příloha.
  47. Horský,0.(1974) : Sanace sesuvů na Oravské přehradě. Geologický průzkum, č.2.,s. 43 – 45, Praha 1975.
  48. Horský,O. – Drozd,K. (1975) : Metodos de las Investigaciones Geotécnicas para las Obras Hidrotécnicas. In Sborník “3ra Reunión del Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería mecánica y eléctrica y ramas afines” , Vol.II., s.10.1 – 10.4., Peru – Arequipa, 1975.
  49. Horský,O.(1976) : Geologické poznatky z výstavby přehrad ve Španělsku. Geologický průzkum, č.6., s.183 – 185., Praha 1976.
  50. Horský,0.(1976) : Peru a zemětřesení. Zpravodaj Geotestu, č. 7 ., s.22 – 23., Brno, 1976.
  51. Horský,0.(1976) : Peru a zemětřesení – pokračování. Zpravodaj Geotestu, č. 8 , s. 7 – 8, 1976.
  52. Horský, O.(1977): Geotest and Landslides. Editor of Special publication of year-book of the geological-geodetical service on the ocasion of the International Association of Engineering Geology Symposium, LANDSLIDES AND OTHER MASS MOVEMENTS, in Prague-September 1977, Geotest Brno, 1977.
  53. Horský,O. – Müller,K. (1977) : Investigation and Landslide Stabilization on the Orava Reservoir shores. Sborník “ Geotest and Landslides”, s. 35 – 50, CSSR, Brno 1977. Účelová publikace pro mezinárodní kongres IAEG v Praze o sesuvech. Geotest Brno 1977. Redaktor publikace: Otto Horský.
  54. Horský,O.(1977) : Rozvoj hornictví v Peru. Geologický průzkum, č.9.,s. 284 – 285., Praha 1977.
  55. Horský,O.(1977) : Výsledky a cíle peruánského ropného průmyslu. Geologický průzkum, č. 12, s. 376 – 377., Praha 1977.
  56. Horský,O. – Múller,K. (1977) : Rock Environment – Determining factor for projecting the Hydrotecnic Construction works. In Sborník “ III.mezinárodní kongres IAEG “, Sec III., Vol. I., s. 143 – 151., Madrid 1978.
  57. Horský,0. – Neubauer,M. – Novosad,St. (1978) : Rozvoj a úkoly inženýrské geologie a hydrogeologie v n.p. Geotest Brno. Geologický průzkum, č.7.,s. 194 – 196., Praha 1978.
  58. Horský,O. – Novosad,St. (1978) : Spolupráce v oblasti aplikované geologie mezi ČSSR a Peru. Geologický průzkum, č.7., s. 220 – 221, Praha 1978.
  59. Woznica,L. – Horský,O. ( 1978) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro údolní vodní nádrže. Mimořádné vydání Zpravodaje Geotestu Brno při příležitosti 20 výročí inženýrské geologie a hydrogeologie v Brně, s. 11 – 18, Brno 1978. Redaktor mimořádného vydání Zpravodaje Otto Horský. 
  60. Horský,O. (1978) : Metodika a aplikace moderních průzkumných metod při inženýrskogeologickém průzkumu pro přehradu v Dalešicích. Autoreferát k získání vědecké hodnosti kandidáta věd., s. 1 – 25, Vydalo VŠB Ostrava, 1978.
  61. Horský,O. – Zamarský,V. (1978) : Peru a zemětřesení. Časopis Lidé a země, 1978, č.3., s.122 – 125., ČSAV Praha, 1978.
  62. Horský,O. (1978) : Již 20 let inženýrské geologie a hydrogeologie v Brně. Zpravodaj Geotestu., č.1-2.,s. 22-23.,Brno 1978.
  63. Horský,O. (1978) : Mezinárodní spolupráce s NDR v oblasti výzkumu svahových pohybů. Zpravodaj Geotestu, č.5-6.,s. 18-19.,Brno 1978.
  64. Horský,0.-Morua,O. (1979) : Norma para el levantamiento Ingeniero-Geológico. Vydal MICONS, Habana, 1979.
  65. Horský,O. (1980) : Colaboración entre Cuba y Checoslovaquia en la Construcción”. In : Časopis “ Checoslovaquia”, č. 1.,s.9-11., Habana, Cuba, 1980.
  66. Horský,O. (1980) : Kontaminace oceánů a země. Zpravodaj Geotestu 6-8., s. 26 – 27., Brno 1980.
  67. Horský,O. (1980) : Clasificación de los movimientos de las laderas. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1980, s. 1-12.
  68. Horský,0. (1981) : Technická pomoc a vědecko-technická spolupráce mezi Kubou a Československem v oblasti stavebnictví. Inženýrské stavby., č.5.,s. 219-220.,Praha 1981.
  69. Horský,O. – Morua,O. (1981) : Metodología del levantamiento y confección de los mapas ingeniero-geológicas. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981.,s. 1 – 32.
  70. Horský,O. (1981) : Clasificación de las rocas a base del Índice de Calidad de la Roca – RQD. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981., s. 1-16.
  71. Horský,O. (1981) : El maciso rocoso, factor decisivo para elegir el lugar de la construcción de la Obra Hidráulica. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981., s.1 – 21.
  72. Horský,O. ( 1981) : Bases del levantamiento para confeccionar un mapa Ingeniero-Geológico. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981., s.1-26.
  73. Horský,O. (1981) : Documentación completa Ingeniero-Geológica y Geotécnica de los laboreos de explotación. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981., s.1-7.
  74. Horský,O.-Cesar,C. (1981) : Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para la construcción de Túneles y Metropolitanos. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981.,s.1-29.
  75. Horský,O.-Fernandez,O. (1981) : Anteproyecto de norma “Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas – símbolos gráficos”. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981, s.1-46.
  76. Horský,O.- Morua,O. (1981) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro hydroenergetické dílo na řece Agabamě v pohoří Escambray. Manustript, 8 stran + obrazové přílohy, Habana, 1981.
  77. Horský,O. (1981) : Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Obras Hidrotécnicas. I. Parte. Vydal MICONS, La Habana 1981., s,1-52. Počet výtisků : 200.
  78. Horský,O. (1981) : Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Obras Hidrotécnicas. II.Parte, Geotécnia. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981., s,1-40. Počet výtisků : 200.
  79. Horský,O. (1981) : Indice de calidad de la roca R.Q.D – uno de los parámetros básicos para clasificación de las rocas. In “IX.Jornada Científica”.,s.189-192, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Habana 1982.
  80. Horský,O.-Conde,M.(1981) : Las Investigaciones Geofísicas en el estudio Ingeniero-Geológico de Obras Hidrotécnicas. In “Voluntad Hidráulica”, XX., NO 61., pg.14-18., Habana 1983.
  81. Horský,O. (1982) : Bases metodológicas para el desarrollo de las Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Obras Hidrotécnicas. In “Voluntad Hidráulica”, XX. N0 62, pg.57 –63.,Habana 1983.
  82. Horský,O. (1982) : Clasificación de las rocas sobre la base del “Indice de Calidad de la Roca – RQD. In “Voluntad Hidraulica”,N0 74, pg. 51-56.,Habana 1987.
  83. Horský,O. (1982) : Bases metodológicas para el levantamiento Ingeniero-Geológico. Manuscrito para la Revista : “Voluntad Hidráulica”, Habana.
  84. Horský,O. (1983) : Rozvoj spolupráce mezi Geotestem a Kubou. In Zpravodaj Geotestu, 1982.,č. 3-4., s.29-31.
  85. Horský, O. (1983): Bude mít Ostravsko dostatek pitné a užitkové vody? MS Geotest Brno, 8 stran, 1983.
  86. Horský,O. (1983) : Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Presas Vydal Geotest Brno jako účelovou publikaci. Stran 223.
  87. Horský,O.-Simeonova,G.-Spanilá,T. (1983) : Vliv exogenních procesů na přetváření břehů vodních nádrží. Geologický průzkum, č.6., s. 163-166, Praha 1984.
  88. Horský,O. (1983) : 30 let Oravské vodní nádrže a její vliv na deformace břehů. Inženýrské stavby, č.10., s.489-498.,Bratislava 1984.
  89. Horský,O. (1983) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehradu Corojo ve vápencovém krasu na Kubě. Ročenka Geotestu 1981- 1983., s.21-32.,Brno 1984.
  90. Horský,O. (1983) : Spolupráce v oblasti inženýrské geologie mezi Kubou a Československem. Geologický průzkum., č.1., s.12-13., Praha 1984.
  91. Horský,O. (1984) : Využití RQD pro inženýrsko-geologické hodnocení horninového prostředí. In “Zborník Inžiniersko-geologické sympózium” při příležitosti 60 let Prof.Milana Matuly , s. 222-234.,1984 Bratislava.
  92. Horský,O. (1984) : El macizo rocoso, factor decisivo para elegir el lugar de la construcción de la Obra Hidrotécnica. Manuscrito para la “Voluntad Hidráulica”, Habana 1984.
  93. Horský,O. (1984) : Movimientos de las laderas en las áreas del estudio de Obras Hidrotécnicas. Manuscrito para la “Voluntad Hidráulica”, Habana 1984.
  94. Horský,O. (1984) : Investigaciones Ingeniero Geológicas para las Presas. Büro Geológico Checo, 1984, pg. 1 – 228., Praha. Knihu vydal Český geologický úřad jako dar kubánskému Ministerstvu stavebnictví v nákladu 50 výtisků.
  95. Horský,O. (1984) : Aplication of airborne in investigation of changes in the banks of reservoir in Dam Areas. XXVII mezinárodní geologický kongres, Moskva. Vol.VIII, sec. 17.,pg.56, Moskow 1984.
  96. Horský,O.-Bláha,P. (1984) : Investigation of the disturbance of the basalt sheet at damsite Slezská Harta using geological of geophysical method. XXVII mezinárodní geologický kongres, Moskva. Vol.VIII, sec. 17., pg.57, Moskow 1984.
  97. Horský,O.-Pacareo,L. (1985) : Metodos de las Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Hidroacumuladoras. Conferencia publicada en MICONS, 1985, Kuba.
  98. Horský,O. (1989) : Metodika inženýrskogeologického průzkumu pro přečerpávací vodní elektrárnu Centro Cuba. Ročenka geologické sekce 1990, s.75-86, Brno 1990.
  99. Horský,O. (1990) : Stanovení korelačních vztahů mezi dynamickými moduly pružnosti a deformačními moduly v základech horní hráze přečerpávací elektrárny Centro Cuba. In : Sborník “ Geotechnické problémy energetickej výstavby”, ČS VTS Vysoké Tatry, 1990, s. 41-44.
  100. Horský,O. ( 1990) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přečerpávací elektrárnu Centro Cuba v pohoří Escambray. Geologický průzkum,č.8, s.239- 243., Praha 1991.
  101. Horský,O. (1990) : The Causes of Morphological Changes at the Water Edges of Orava - Reservoir in Slovaquia.In Sborník : Mezinárodní kongres IAEG,s.28592868, Amsterodam 1990.Vydala Balkema, Rotterdam 1990.
  102. Horský,O. (1990) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehrady. Geofond Praha – Edice GEODA. Stran 1 – 119, Praha 1990.
  103. Horský,O. (1990) : Diskuse ke stanovení rozsahu inženýrsko geologického průzkumu pro přehrady. In Sborník mezinárodního symposia “Metodické inovace v inženýrské geologii”,počet stran 8, Příbram 1990.
  104. Horský,O. (1991) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přečerpávací elektrárnu Centro-Cuba v pohoří Escambray. In Geologický průzkum, 8/1991, s.239-243, + obrazová příloha. Praha, 1991.
  105. Horský,O. (1991) : Česko-španělský a španělsko-český geotechnický slovník. Vydal DPB Paskov, 1991, s. 1-61.
  106. Horský,O. (1992) : Investigation and landslide stabilization on the Orava – Reservoir shores in Slovaquia. International Conference on Environmental Management Geo-Water and Engineering Aspects. Počet stran 6, Wolongong, Australia 1993.
  107. Horský,O. (1993) : Jet Grouting – tecnología progresiva de cimentacion de las construcciones. Manuscript pro přednášku na Universitě v Barceloně, 1993. ( 7 stran + 7 obrázků)
  108. Bláha,P.- Horský,O. (1993) : Geofyzikální metody při orientačním inženýrskogeologickém průzkumu přehradních míst. Manuscript GEOtest Brno a GEOINZA Madrid., 1993.
  109. Horský,O. (1993) : Komplexní pojetí studia horninového masivu v přehradním místě. Manuscript GEOINZA Madrid, 1993. ( 7 str.+ obrazové přílohy).
  110. Bláha,P.- Horský,O. (1994) : El uso de métodos geofísicos para el estudio del eje de la presa en la etapa orientativa. Manuscript GEOINZA Madrid a GEOtest Brno., 1994.
  111. Bláha,P.- Horský,O. (1994) : Métodos de prospección geofísica para el estudio de las posibles cerradas en el anteproyecto o viabilidad de un embalse. Manuscript GEOINZA Madrid a GEOtest Brno., 1994.
  112. Horský, 0. (1994): Geotechnical research for the pumping storage station. In Sborník :Mezinárodní kongres IAEG, s. 3919 – 3926., Lisabon 1994. Vydala Balkema, Rotterdam.
  113. Horský,O.-Lincer,L.- Nešvara,J. (1994) : Ecological repairs of the Orava Dam reservoir shore banks. In Sborník : Mezinárodní kongres IAEG, s. 3729 – 3737, Lisabon 1994. Vydala Balkema, Rotterdam,
  114. Bláha,P.- Horský,O. (1994) : Engineering geophysics for dam site selection. In Sborník : Mezinárodní kongres IAEG, 69 – 78, Lisabon 1994. Vydala Balkema, Rotterdam.
  115. Verfel,J.- Horský,O. (1995) : Hloubení vrtů a technologie “Jet Grouting” na metru ve Valencii. Rukopis pro přednášku a publikaci na Universitě v Barceloně, s. 1 – 15,1995.
  116. Verfel,J.- Horský,O. (1995) : Hloubení vrtů na ulici Angel Guimerá ve Valencii. s. 1 - 12, Manuscript.
  117. Horský,0.-Spanilá,T. (1996) : Remodelling of water reservoir banks by exogenous processes. In Sborník : Mezinárodní kongres IAEG, 2771 – 2716, Athens, Greece 1997. Vydala Balkema, Rotterdam.
  118. Spanilá,T.-Horský,O.-Banach,M.(2001) : Slides and sliding in the water reservoirs banks. In Sborník Landslides, Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, 2002, s. 315 – 319.
  119. Bláha,P.- Horský,O.-Vlastník,M.(2002): Métodos geofísicos empleados para las orientativas investigaciones ingenierogeológicas de los sítios de presa. Manuscrito para la Voluntad Hidráulica, Havana, Cuba.
  120. Horský,O. (2003) : Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Obras Hidrotécnicas. 290 stran textu a příloh, GEOtest Brno, 2003.ISBN 80-239-1679-3
  121. Bláha,P.-Müller,K.-Horský,O.(2009): Geofyzikální vlastnosti pro geotechnické výpočty. Sborník prací  Vysoké školy báňské - Technické University v Ostravě, číslo 2, 2009, ročník IX, řada stavební (+ přednáška PPT)
  122. Horský,O.-Bláha,P. (2009): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehrady, aneb "co nás také poučilo". Sborník Konference inženýrské geologie v Ostravě, 9.2009.(+ přednáška PPT).
  123. Horský, O.- Bláha, P. (2009): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehrady, aneb "Co nás také poučilo". GEOTECHNIKA 3/2009, str.35.
  124. Horský, O. - Bláha P., - Dyba, I.: Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehrady. Prezentace knihy. 2010.
  125. Bláha,P.-Černý,V.-Duras,R.-Fousek,J.-Horský,O.-Lazecký,M.-Oprchal,J.-Tábořík,P.-Peshawa,A,-Aziz,B.Q. (2010): Geoelectrical Surveys for the Feasibility Study of the Bawanur Dam Site. EGRSE, 2011.
  126. Bláha,P.-Černý,V.-Duras,R.-Fousek,J.-Horský,O. (2011): Geoelectrical Surveys for the Feasibility Study of the Bawanur Dam. Kongres HYDRO 2011, Praha.   
  127. Horský,O.- Bláha P.(2011): The Application of Engineering Geology to Dam Construction. Repronis 2011, str.320, ISBN 978-80-7329-278-2.  
  128. Horský, O.: Předmluva ke knize Jana Žižky "Za sedmi novodobými divy světa", Repronis 2011, ISBN 978-80-7329-268-3.
  129. Blaha,P., Duras.R., Fousek., J., Horsky, O.(2011): An Orientation  survey of the Bawanur Dam. Mezinárodní konference HYDRO2011, Praga, Session 7: Hydro Development in Asia. 
  130. Blaha,P., Černý,V., Fousek., J., Horsky., O.(2012): An engineering geological survey for the Bawanur Dam in Kurdistan. Mezinárodní konference HYDRO 2012, Thajsko, březen 2012.
  131. Horský, O.: Slovo úvodem ke knize Jana Žižky "Money Club a vybrané epizody z nedávné historie České spořitelny", Repronis 2012, ISBN 978-80-7329-328-4.
  132. Horský,O. (2012): Doslov. In: Milan Švihálek: Stavitel přehrad. Putování legendárního vodohospodáře Jana Čermáka 20. stoletím. Grada, 2013.
  133. Blaha,P., Horsky,O. (2013): Engineerring-Geological Survey of the Reservoir Areas of Dams. Mezinárodní konference HYDRO 2013. Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 2013. 
  134. Horský, O. (2014): Přežije jezero Titicaca třetí tisíciletí? Vydavatel Nová Forma, 2014, exklusivní vydání na křídovém papíře v pevné vazbě , str. 196, formát B5. ISBN 978-80-7453-455-3.
  135. Horský,O - Bláha P. (2014): The Application of Engineering Geology to Dam Construction. Publisher Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovac Republic, 2014, pg. 321, ISBN 978-80-223-3596-6. Second edition of English version, revised and extendet. Printed in Czech Republic, Jan Sojnek.
  136. Horský, O.- Bláha, P. (2014): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehrady, aneb co nás také poučilo. Vydavatel VŠB - TÚ Ostrava, červen 2014. Druhé revidované a rozšířené  vydání. Vytištěno v České republice, Jan Sojnek. ISBN: 978-80-248-3437- 5.
  137. Horský, O. (2014): Přežije jezero Titicaca třetí tisíciletí? Vydavatel Jan Sojnek, reklamní produkce, 2014. Druhé rozšířené vydání. ISBN 978-80-905336-2-2
  138. Bláha,P. - Horský,O. (2016): Vodní dílo Itaipu. Geotechnika 3/2015, str. 20-28.
  139. Horský, O.(2016): Zajištění stability výkopu pro kanalizaci řeky Segura v městě Orihuela v jižním Španělsku.Zbornik 8. konferencie Inženierska geológia s medzinárodnou účasťou. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Geo-Engineering, str. 135-136. ISBN 978-80-227-4573-4. Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislavě.
  140. Horský, O.(2016): Curriculum vitae - Monografie. Vydavatel Nová Forma, s.r.o., 2016. ISBN 978-80-7453-672-4
  141. Horský, O.(2017): Vita est a tortuosis iter- Život je klikatá cesta, aneb cestováním k naplnění osudu. Vydavatel Jan Sojnek, 2017. ISBN 978-80-906183-8-1.
  142. Verfel, J. - Horský, O. (2017): Hloubení vrtů na ulici Angel Guimerá ve Valencii ve Španělsku. in Horský Otto, Soubor odborných publikací, str. 622 - 632, GALIUM 2017. ISBN 978-80-906798-0-1.
  143. Horský,O.(2017): Soubor odborných publikací. Vydavatel Jan Sojnek GALIUM 2017. ISBN 978-80-906798-0-1
  144. Horsky,O.(2018): Dalešice. Inženýrsko-geologické podmínky výstavby přehrady Dalešice na řece Jihlavě. Kniha na DVD v ruském jazyce. Vydavatel Jan Sojnek GALIUM 2018. ISBN 978-80-906798-9-4.


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Capture such Brilliant, Glare-Free Ride You Warrant plus Daystar Dormer Tints

(GradyPoirm, 26. 11. 2023 13:42)

Do you recoil during footstep inward thine sweltering glowing automobile that is lived baking beneath the Helios? Before capture dazzled by glare coming via such windshield on sunny days? Advancing your automobile casements plus flame and glint fading stain film be biography ever-changing - unusually surrounded by glowing, bright zones.

Or leading such access production fashionable, restful aftermarket casement staining is Daystar, explorers surrounded by nano-ceramic pellicles engineered explicitly of machine-driven glass.

In such direct to realizing vitrum nirvana the Daystar way, we’ll break down all this hub minutiae on theirs manufacture-leading goods to consider for thine adjacent tint job.

Crystalline, Non-Metal Pellicles Situated Daystar Apart
That which puts Daystar asunder on or after customary dyed sheets be theirs exclusive use of nano-ceramic technology fairly nor aluminum bits to attain illumination or heat blocking attributes.
Such advantages to pottery-based Crystalline stain:

Unmatched heat rejection - blocks on high to 98% of blackbody light
Preserves innate glass clarity excluding fog or gesture disturbance
Color alternatives orbit beginning transparent “clear” see to darker limo-style stain levels
Wilt froth, peel or revolve imperial resembling nether property films
Daystar also proffers standard dyed and more equilibrated carbon sheets of elementary glint and kindle security on a budget. But largely riders yearning staid relief will want this chief Crystalline upgrades.

Elect such Tints Aligned to Thy Goals
And far-reaching R&D refining ones own private pellicles more than 25+ years, Daystar conveys expedients excellent-tuned about nearly some perspective a car dormer tin throw fine:

Reducing Interior Heat: Avert such Apollo's blasting rays in hot areas - especially on big SUV or camion glass.
Glare & UV Oculus Pressure Reduction: Rescue imaginativeness on or after squint-inducing thoughtful glint remote other cars or pavement.
Skin Protection: Strain absent UVA/UVB beams leading to quick eld and sarcoma hazards.
Privacy: Gloomier tints giveth riders avoid prying orbs while sustaining external perceptivity.
Interior Fade Prevention: Protect conveyance seats, fields or exhibits beginning Apollo damage.
Nay matter whether driving past desert heat waves before upright seeking delicate embellishments about the everyday commute, Daystar sheets convey direct gains once installed.

Wherefore Professional Installation Is Critical
While DIY dyeing outfits look appealing toll-wise originally, the issues repeatedly hast warped ocular pellucidity, bubbles aMId this film, abraded glass or the host of another issues just apparent more than time.

Daystar necessitates pushers hast certified expert installers on staff to insure nicety effort or longevity of this certification to apply. Customers can hath peace of mind yon both materials and travail meet Daystar’s exacting quality ideals.

Decision Your Topical Tint Experts
Such sterling path to pinpoint trustworthy Daystar trafficker installers in thine section is checking such handy shop locator on ones own website. Tonality natures to discipline beforehand:

Daystar Documented Operators on Stick
Likenesses of Old Stain Careers on Varied Carriage Kinds
Positive Estimates Across Many Unbiased Places
Duration of Time aMId Trade
Certifications Contra Foaming & Flaws
Guaranty Support Maintenance
And some assiduous beforehand research inside high place reviewed specialists close thou, yon dear ride disclosing the brilliant, glare-free open road awaits! Forsake this squinting, sweating or baneful light permeating your froth on this wend with the vocational Daystar window stain upgrade. Thy fate voyages will never stare...so vitreous clear.

Capture the Amazing, Glare-Free Ride Thee Deserve with Daystar Dormer Tints

(GradyPoirm, 26. 11. 2023 9:29)

Make you cringe when stepping inside thine sweltering fervent machine that’s lived baking beneath this Apollo? Or capture blinded via glare coming past such windshield on bright days? Advancing your car casements with flame or glint reducing tint film is breath ever-changing - particularly surrounded by glowing, luminous areas.

And leading the path production chic, restful aftermarket dormer staining is Daystar, explorers surrounded by nano-ceramic films designed specifically of automotive glass.

In this lead to realizing vitrum nirvana the Daystar way, we will rupture fluff all the hub specifics on ones own trade-leading products to deem about your next dye job.

Crystalline, Non-Metal Films Set Daystar Apart
What thing places Daystar separate beginning conventional dyed sheets be ones own select operation of nano-ceramic apparatus rather nor metal particles to attain light and heat barricade characters.
Such benefits to pottery-based Crystalline dye:

Unequaled kindle denial - obstructs up to 98% of blackbody beams
Maintains innate crystal quality without smoke previous to signal interference
Tone alternatives orbit on or after transparent “apparent” see to dimmer limo-style tint planes
Will bubble, peel before revolve regal resembling inferior property sheets
Daystar too tenders standard dyed and more counterpoised carbon films of rudimentary shine and flame safety on the budget. Except largely riders hunger solemn easing wilt desire the flagship Crystalline upgrades.

Choose this Tints Aligned to Thine Goals
And far-reaching R&D perfecting ones own private sheets more than 25+ years, Daystar conveys answers fine-tuned about almost some context a machine casement can cast fine:

Reducing Interior Heat: Avert this Helios's blasting rays surrounded by glowing areas - especially on large SUV previous to wagon glass.
Glare & UV Eye Pressure Reduction: Save imaginativeness from squint-inducing thoughtful shine remote second cars or pavement.
Skin Protection: Strain out UVA/UVB light leading to quick senescence or malignancy hazards.
Privacy: Gloomier tints giveth riders shun scrutinizing globes during supporting outside visibility.
Interior Fade Prevention: Guard vehicle places, panels or exhibits from Apollo damage.
Nay matter if impelling via wild heat breakers previous to equitable questing subtle augmentations of a everyday commute, Daystar films deliver immediate gains previously installed.

Reason Vocational Engagement Be Critical
Whilst DIY dyeing outfits appear attractive expense-wise originally, the conclusions frequently have warped ocular clarity, foams in the pellicle, scratched glass or the legion of another issues only apparent more than time.

Daystar requires traffickers hast documented adept erectors on stick to ensure precision diligence or longevity for such guaranty to apply. Regulars tin have stillness of mind yon twain materials and travail fill Daystar’s exacting quality ideals.

Decision Thy Local Tint Pros
This sterling path to pinpoint reliable Daystar trafficker fitters aMId thine section is checking such accessible workshop identifier on theirs website. Tonality properties to discipline ahead:

Daystar Certified Technicians on Stick
Portraits of Old Stain Professions on Varied Conveyance Types
Confirmative Estimates Across Many Unbiased Sites
Length of Time aMId Trade
Guarantees Against Seething & Flaws
Certification Bolster Assistance
And some assiduous early investigation into pinnacle reviewed experts near thee, those dear ride disclosing the splendid, glare-free open road awaits! Ditch this squinting, sweating or baneful rays suffusing your froth on the proceed plus a vocational Daystar window tint upgrade. Your destiny journeys shall at no time see...so crystal clear.

Get the Brilliant, Shine-Free Ride Thou Merit and Daystar Dormer Tints

(GradyPoirm, 26. 11. 2023 7:26)

Do you shudder when footstep into your blistering hot automobile that is wast heating beneath such Apollo? Previous to take dazzled via glint coming via this screen on shining days? Promoting thy machine dormers with kindle or glare reducing dye sheet is biography shifting - especially surrounded by glowing, bright zones.

Or leading the access production chic, restful aftermarket casement staining is Daystar, pioneers aMId nano-ceramic pellicles machined specifically of auto glass.

In this guide to realizing vitrum nirvana the Daystar way, we’ll break fluff all the core minutiae on theirs trade-leading goods to consider about your adjacent stain job.

Crystalline, Non-Metal Films Locate Daystar Apart
That which places Daystar asunder from customary dyed pellicles be their select operation of nano-ceramic apparatus fairly nor aluminum bits to attain light and kindle obstruction properties.
Such advantages to potsherd-based Crystalline tint:

Unmatched flame denial - obstructs up to 98% of nonvisual light
Preserves innate vitrum quality without fog or signal bother
Shade possibilities range on or after hyaline “plain” look to gloomier limo-style stain planes
Wilt foam, peel previous to revolve purple resembling lower quality films
Daystar also proffers standard dyed and more balanced carbon films of rudimentary glint or kindle protection on a budget. But largely riders craving staid mitigation shall want such flagship Crystalline upgrades.

Select such Tints Aligned to Thine Goals
With comprehensive R&D honing theirs exclusive films across 25+ years, Daystar brings answers fine-tuned for nearly some context the automobile window can throw fine:

Reducing Interior Heat: Parry such Apollo's detonating rays aMId fervent zones - unusually on large SUV or camion glass.
Glare & UV Orb Strain Reduction: Save imaginativeness beginning narrowing-inducing thoughtful glint away another machines or pavement.
Skin Protection: Strain absent UVA/UVB beams necessary to fleet senescence and sarcoma risks.
Privacy: Gloomier tints alloweth travelers escape scrutinizing eyes during sustaining outside discernibility.
Interior Fade Prevention: Guard carriage seats, sections and exhibits from Apollo damage.
Not consequence if propelling via desert kindle waves or just searching subtle embellishments of a quotidian commute, Daystar pellicles bring prompt profits previously installed.

Wherefore Vocational Engagement Be Critical
Whilst DIY tinting kits look appealing cost-wise initially, the issues frequently hath distorted ocular clarity, froths aMId this film, scratched glass and the host of second matters only noticeable more than time.

Daystar necessitates pushers hast documented expert installers on rod to insure exactness application and endurance about the certification to operation. Customers tin hast quietness of judgement yon twofold materials or exertion satisfy Daystar’s rigorous characteristic ideals.

Determination Thy Regional Stain Geniuses
This capital path to pinpoint reputable Daystar trafficker installers surrounded by thine section be verification this handy store locator on ones own website. Key qualities to vet ahead:

Daystar Official Technicians on Rod
Photos of Previous Stain Jobs on Assorted Carriage Types
Confirmative Surveys Transversely Manifold Unbiased Sites
Length of Era in Trade
Guarantees Against Seething & Imperfections
Warranty Buttress Services
With certain assiduous early research inward top reviewed specialists approach thee, those sweet ride revealing the brilliant, glare-free open road awaits! Forsake the narrowing, sweating and pernicious rays permeating thine froth on such wend with the occupational Daystar window dye upgrade. Thine fate journeys will under no condition look...so transparent plain.

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Tile Miracle Roof: Improving Life-span as well as Attractiveness

(AlfredCheks, 21. 11. 2023 22:25)

Whenever this arrives to be able to house maintenance, the particular roofing is often ignored, however that plays a crucial part within protecting the home. Throughout this write-up, we all'll discover the particular revolutionary means to fix of Roof shingle Magic roof remedy, designed in order to enhance the actual lifespan as well as elegance of your own roof structure shingles.

The Role of Roof shingle Miraculous
Shingle Miracle will be certainly not simply one more roof therapy; it's a groundbreaking means to fix which goes over and above the particular regular. It performs the crucial part in stretching the life of the roof shingles, guaranteeing these people put up with the actual test of time as well as the particular aspects.

Advantages of Roof shingle Miracle Roof structure
One of the major benefits of Roof shingle Miraculous is the ability in order to stop the particular growth of moss, algae, along with mold upon the roofing. This not really only preserves the building integrity of the roof structure however additionally improves the visual interest, retaining this seeking excellent.

Exactly how Roof shingle Miracle Operates
The particular sorcery is situated throughout the actual request process. Roof shingle Miracle generates the safety buffer upon the particular roof, avoiding the actual progress of harmful organisms. The final result will be any roofing that not simply seems nice and clean as well as properly-managed but additionally enjoys extended-enduring protection towards the particular aspects.
Charge-Effective Roof structure Maintenance
Although some may possibly look at roofing remedies as a great unnecessary cost, Tile Miraculous proves in order to be any price-powerful solution. The original expense within this treatment could help save a person considerably on potential restoration along with substitute charges lower the brand.

Client Recommendations
Don't just consider the term for this—hear through homeowners who possess experienced the magic themselves. Positive customer feedback from Roof shingle Miraculous consumers confirm to be able to the performance of this roof structure treatment, showing real-lifestyle examples of roofs transformed and guarded.

DIY Application vs. Expert Providers
Roof shingle Magic offers the particular versatility of both Do it yourself software along with expert services. Although several house owners might opt for a Diy method, specialized request ensures meticulous protection and optimal final results with regard to those looking for a hassle-free knowledge.

Roof shingle Miraculous within Excessive Weather Circumstances
Rooftops face the actual effect of severe temperature circumstances, as well as Shingle Miracle rises in order to the challenge. This kind of treatment offers robust protection, making certain your roofing continues to be flexible throughout the particular face of unpleasant temperature aspects, which includes large bad weather, snowfall, and intense sunlight.

Environmental Influence
For eco-conscious house owners, Roof shingle Magic will be a natural answer. The treatment utilizes environmentally secure as well as lasting supplies, decreasing it's effect on the particular setting while nonetheless supplying top-level efficiency.

Custom made Options with regard to Distinct Rooftops
Certainly not almost all roofs are the particular same, as well as Roof shingle Magic understands this. The actual treatment is actually customizable, providing tailored solutions for numerous roof kinds. No matter whether a person have concrete roof shingles, metal roof, or perhaps another fabric, Roof shingle Miraculous has you protected.

Reviews with Traditional Roof Treatments
Differentiating Tile Miracle together with classic roofing remedies emphasizes its superior. The particular innovative solution

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(JosiahLoxia, 20. 11. 2023 19:54)


Fighting for The law together with Martinicchio Legal Security Group

(Warrenmit, 20. 11. 2023 16:29)

When dealing with offender fees, you need an recommend within the part. Martinicchio Criminal Defense Group has the actual expertise to be able to end up being which intense champion. Let's explore exactly how this kind of company offers best-level lawful statement with regard to customers throughout New Shirt.

Regarding Martinicchio Criminal Protection Group:
-Started by Joseph Ur. Martinicchio, the previous Middlesex county County Helper Lawyer or attorney
-Decades of put together experience properly defending consumers
-Group of well-informed lawyers focused in order to customized security
-Focused to defending rights and accomplishing ideal effects
Scope of Offender Protection Expert services:
-Protection with regard to almost all kinds of Nj legal fees - DUI, medicine offenses, robbery, and so forth.
-Juvenile crime statement
-Home-based violence along with restrictive order instances
-Lovemaking offense accusations
-Hardship, assault, along with chaotic criminal acts
-Bright white collar as well as financial crimes
-Visitors infringements along with driver's license defense

Client-Centered Method:
-Customized security strategy based on the particular special circumstance
-Focus in client discussing along with schooling
-Compassionate counsel through a challenging process
-The record of dismissing charges as well as maintaining clients out there of imprisonment

Court Skills:
-Skilled trial law firm proficient from developing the powerful protection
-Experience discussing favorable request bargains
-Skilled in sentencing proposta in order to minimize consequences
-Understanding of NJ process of law along with criminal justice method

Why Clients Have confidence in Martinicchio Legal Protection Party:
-Proven outcomes within obtaining dismissals, exonerations, as well as demand reducing
-Status with regard to aggressive and honorable representation
-Private interest and value for each and every client
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Bottom line:
Along with a consumer-first considering along with the tenacious strategy, Martinicchio Legal Defense Team offers the keep track of history of obtaining profitable final results. Their own competence offers the robust protection a person deserve.

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Battling for Justice with Martinicchio Legal Security Group

(Warrenmit, 20. 11. 2023 6:13)

When encountering legal fees, you want a great advocate throughout your own part. Martinicchio Offender Protection Team provides the actual expertise to end up being that intense safe bet. Let us discover just how this company offers leading-tier lawful statement regarding customers throughout Brand new Jacket.

Concerning Martinicchio Offender Defense Group:
-Launched through Frederick Third. Martinicchio, any former Middlesex County Assistant Da
-Decades of put together encounter effectively protecting clients
-Team of educated lawyers dedicated to personal security
-Dedicated to be able to guarding privileges along with accomplishing ideal effects
Range of Criminal Security Services:
-Security with regard to just about all types of Nj-new jersey criminal costs - DUI, medication crimes, theft, and so on.
-Juvenile criminal offense representation
-Domestic assault as well as constraining buy cases
-Sex crime allegations
-Hardship, attack, and chaotic criminal acts
-White collar as well as fiscal crimes
-Visitors transgressions and driver's licence security

Client-Focused Method:
-Personalized defense strategy based upon the actual special case
-Emphasis upon customer discussing along with schooling
-Sympathetic advice by means of any challenging method
-Any report of overlooking costs as well as retaining clients away of jail

Trial Abilities:
-Seasoned demo law firm skilled from creating the strong defense
-Encounter discussing favorable request bargains
-Experienced at sentencing proposta to reduce charges
-Understanding of NJ courts along with offender proper rights program

Exactly why Clients Believe in Martinicchio Criminal Protection Team:
-Proven final results within receiving terminations, acquittals, as well as fee reductions
-Popularity for aggressive as well as moral rendering
-Private interest along with value for each customer
-Inexpensive authorized protection providers

Bottom line:
Together with the consumer-first philosophy along with any persistent method, Martinicchio Criminal Security Party offers any keep track of report of accomplishing effective outcomes. His or her expertise offers the actual effective protection an individual deserve.

Let everyone understand when you would similar to me in order to expand or perhaps include any particulars about certain sections.

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(MichaelNus, 20. 11. 2023 1:40)

interesting post

The Crucial Manual to be able to Drying Air flow vent Cleanup

(RichardPaymn, 18. 11. 2023 18:23)

Plugged dryer vents could present severe fire as well as health hazards. This particular article will explore the particular significance of expert clothes dryer air flow vent washing along with just how this safeguards your own house as well as family.

Primary Areas:

1. Exactly why Dryer Vent Cleaning Matters
- Prevents lint accumulation and blocks
- Reduces danger of clothes dryer that will fire
- Improves air quality as well as gets rid of mold
- Will save money by growing productivity
- Extends existence of drying
2. Indications A person Want Drying Vent Cleaning
- Fluff apparent around air vents
- Outfits taking extended to be able to dry
- Clothes dryer overheating as well as ending mid-never-ending cycle
- Musty scents upon garments
- Substantial electricity bills

3. Specialized Cleaning Benefits
- Effective vehicle-attached vacuums
- Video examination capability
- Gain access to difficult-to be able to-achieve air flow ports
- Eliminate created-upwards fluff as well as debris
- Guarantee correct oxygen circulation is actually reconditioned

4. Dryer Vent Cleaning Procedure
- Action 1: Detach vent from drying
- Action 2: Nourish hose directly into venting water pipe
- Phase 3: Hoover lint, airborne debris along with debris
- Action 4: Clean venting hood and exterior
- Action 5: Re-attach clothes dryer air flow vent

5. Value of Annual Dryer Air flow vent Washing
- Fluff could gather rapidly and cause obstructions
- Yearly professional cleaning prevents difficulties
- Essential regarding fire basic safety as well as efficiency
- serenity of brain the vents are clear of risks

Retain the residence secure together with twelve-monthly clothes dryer air flow vent washing. Get in touch with a certified specialized in order to guarantee this kind of essential task is done properly.

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The particular Essential Guidebook to Drying Venting Cleaning

(RichardPaymn, 18. 11. 2023 9:12)

Blocked dryer vents can present severe fire and wellness threats. This particular write-up will explore the particular importance of professional dryer vent washing along with how it safeguards your own house along with household.

Primary Portions:

1. Why Clothes dryer Air flow vent Cleaning Issues
- Avoids fluff buildup as well as clogs
- Reduces risk of dryer that will fire
- Enhances fresh air high quality as well as eliminates shape
- Preserves funds through raising efficiency
- Increases existence of dryer
2. Signs A person Want Dryer Air flow vent Washing
- Fluff apparent around air vents
- Clothes taking longer to free of moisture
- Dryer overheating along with ending mid-cycle
- Musty odors on clothes
- Higher energy invoices

3. Expert Cleaning Advantages
- Effective truck-mounted vacuums
- Video clip examination capability
- Entry difficult-to be able to-reach air flow ports
- Remove created-up fluff along with particles
- Guarantee appropriate fresh air movement is restored

4. Dryer Venting Cleaning Procedure
- Phase 1: Remove air flow vent through clothes dryer
- Action 2: Give food to hose pipe into vent water pipe
- Step 3: Vacuum fibers, dust and debris
- Phase 4: Clean air flow vent hood along with external
- Action 5: Re-connect clothes dryer air flow vent

5. Value of Twelve-monthly Dryer Air flow vent Cleaning
- Fluff can gather quickly as well as cause blocks
- Annual specialized washing prevents difficulties
- Vital with regard to flame safety as well as productivity
- tranquility of thoughts your air flow ports tend to be obvious of hazards

Bottom line:
Maintain the house secure with yearly clothes dryer vent cleanup. Get hold of a certified expert to ensure this essential job will be done properly.

Allow me recognize in the event that an individual might such as everyone to be able to expand upon or even supply far more details on just about any certain area!


(Russelltew, 18. 11. 2023 6:46)


A Slice Higher than the particular Rest - Dino's Barber

(TylerSturO, 17. 11. 2023 3:32)

-Introduction of Dino's Barber shop, a vintage barber providing the actual neighborhood with regard to over 25 years.

Key Areas:

1. Historical past along with Possession
-Founded in 1980s by Dino Rossi throughout Tiny metropolis, U. S. A.
-Passed along to be able to his son Mario Rossi in The new year
-History of pops-boy household small business

2. Store Atmosphere and Services
-Aged school barber design - marbled floorings, natural leather car seats, hot suds devices
-Concentrate upon men's hairstyling services - blurry slices, diminishes, flat tops, styling
-Traditional very hot towel shaves together with directly razor
-Manicures and pedicures and pedicures likewise offered
3. Barbershop Team
-Daniel nevertheless slicing head of hair next to boy Mario
-Experienced barbers Luigi, Vincenzo and Stan
-Around 100 years of mixed hair styling knowledge
-Warm and fun figures - full of life shop badinage, persiflage

4. Customers
-Multigenerational loyal customer foundation
-Fathers getting kids with regard to first haircuts
-No prearranged appointments required - walk-ins welcome

5. Giving Returning to the actual Neighborhood
-Annual school supply drives for youngsters
-Bring in nearby Little Group baseball clubs
-Assistance numerous non profit organizations along with brings about

-Summary of Dino's classic barber services along with ideals
-Address, a long time, mobile phone number along with site shown

Allow myself recognize in the event that you might like everyone to be able to broaden on just about any particular area throughout far more fine detail.

The Cut Higher than the actual Sleep - Dino's Barbershop

(TylerSturO, 16. 11. 2023 19:14)

-Overview of Dino's Barber, a classic barbershop providing the local community regarding over Forty decades.

Key Portions:

1. Historical past along with Possession
-Launched within 1980s simply by Daniel Rossi within Tiny metropolis, U. S. A.
-Approved down to be able to his / her son Laptop computer Rossi within 2010
-Custom of dad-boy household business

2. Shop Ambiance along with Expert services
-Aged college barbershop design - marbled floors, natural leather recliners, very hot suds devices
-Concentrate on men's haircutting expert services - buzzcuts, diminishes, apartment surfaces, doing you hair
-Conventional hot bath towel shaves your face with straight electric shaver
-Manicures and pedicures also provided
3. Barber shop Team
-Dean jerrod still slicing hair close to kid Mario
-Experienced barbers Gatwick, Vincenzo as well as Stan
-Above 75 decades of put together barbering encounter
-Cozy and enjoyable figures - animated shop chatter

4. Patrons
-Multigenerational faithful customer bottom
-Dads bringing sons for first hair cuts
-No consultations needed - stroll-ins encouraged

5. Providing Back to be able to the particular Neighborhood
-Yearly school present drives regarding kids
-Host local Small League football teams
-Support numerous aid organizations and causes

-Recap of Dino's vintage barbershop services along with values
-Tackle, several hours, telephone number along with website outlined

Let everyone know in the event that you would certainly similar to myself to increase about just about any particular section within far more aspect.

?? Discover the Secret to a Healthier Smile ??

(AnthonyAgeft, 16. 11. 2023 10:44)


Did you know that your dental health is linked to the thriving population of good bacteria in your mouth? Say goodbye to toxic toothpaste and mouthwash that harm your oral microbiome!
?? Discover this unique product that dig to the root of the problem ??

? 3.5 Billion Probiotics: It is packed with a whopping 3.5 billion probiotics specially crafted to repopulate your mouth with good bacteria, promoting a healthier smile.

?? What's inside this product: ??
Lactobacillus Paracasei: Supports gum health and keeps your sinuses free and clear.
B.lactis BL-04®: Balances mouth bacteria, supports respiratory health, and boosts your immune system.
Lactobacillus Reuteri: Combats inflammation and creates a healthy mouth environment.
Proprietary Blend of 4 Plants and Minerals: Inulin, Malic acid, Tricalcium Phosphate, and Peppermint, working together to support good bacteria, maintain tooth whiteness, and promote overall oral health.

?? The Natural Choice for Your Teeth and Gums ??
?? No Harmful Chemicals
?? Easy To Use
?? Non-GMO
?? Non-Stimulating
?? Non-Habit Forming
?? Gluten-Free

Don't compromise your oral health any longer. Experience a healthier, happier smile! Say goodbye to dental worries and hello to a brighter future. Order yours today and start your journey to a healthier mouth.


(BrettTex, 16. 11. 2023 10:33)

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Скорость подключения к Интернету — еще один важный фактор для успеха вашего проекта. Наши VPS/VDS-серверы, адаптированные как под Windows, так и под Linux, обеспечивают доступ в Интернет со скоростью до 1000 Мбит/с, что гарантирует быструю загрузку веб-страниц и высокую производительность онлайн-приложений на обеих операционных системах.

Shingle Miracle Roof: Enhancing Life-span and Attractiveness

(AlfredCheks, 16. 11. 2023 7:12)

Whenever that comes in order to residence servicing, the particular roof structure is usually ignored, yet this plays the essential role throughout defending your home. Within this write-up, all of us'll explore the particular innovative means to fix of Roof shingle Miracle roof structure remedy, created to be able to enhance the particular life-span as well as attractiveness of the roof structure roof shingles.

The Part of Shingle Magic
Shingle Magic will be not really merely an additional roof treatment; this's the revolutionary solution in which will go over and above the particular regular. It enjoyment a crucial role in stretching the life of the roof roof shingles, making certain they withstand the actual check of period along with the actual elements.

Advantages of Tile Miracle Roofs
One particular of the particular primary gains of Tile Miracle is actually the capacity to avoid the actual growth of moss, algae, as well as shape upon your own roof. This certainly not just preserves the particular architectural integrity of the roof structure however also enhances the visual attraction, maintaining that seeking excellent.

Exactly how Tile Magic Functions
The miracle is situated throughout the application procedure. Shingle Magic produces a safety buffer on the particular roof, stopping the actual development of damaging living things. The actual outcome is a roof structure that not really just appears nice and clean and nicely-maintained yet additionally enjoys lengthy-long lasting safety towards the elements.
Charge-Effective Roof structure Repair
Whilst some may possibly view roof structure solutions as a good needless expense, Shingle Magic demonstrates to end up being a cost-efficient answer. The actual original investment in this particular remedy can help save a person considerably in probable resolve and substitute charges down the collection.

Customer Recommendations
Do not merely consider our word for this—pick up coming from homeowners that get suffered from the particular miracle themselves. Optimistic customer feedback through Roof shingle Miraculous consumers verify to be able to the performance of this kind of roof treatment, showing genuine-lifestyle instances of roofing transformed as well as protected.

DIY Software compared to. Specialized Expert services
Shingle Miracle offers the particular flexibility of each Do it yourself application along with specialized providers. While some homeowners might opt for the Do it yourself strategy, expert software makes certain meticulous coverage and ideal outcomes for people seeking any hassle-totally free experience.

Tile Magic throughout Severe Climate Circumstances
Roofing confront the actual push of severe climate circumstances, along with Shingle Miraculous soars to be able to the actual challenge. This treatment gives durable safety, making certain your own roof structure continues to be sturdy in the actual confront of unpleasant climate aspects, including hefty rain, snowfall, along with powerful the sun.

Ecological Effect
For eco-mindful homeowners, Roof shingle Miraculous will be the eco-friendly answer. The remedy employs eco risk-free and sustainable materials, reducing the influence on the particular environment while nevertheless delivering leading-notch performance.

Customized Options with regard to Distinct Roofs
Not almost all roofing are usually the same, as well as Roof shingle Miracle understands this. The actual therapy is customizable, giving tailored options for numerous roof structure types. Whether you have concrete roof shingles, metal roof, or even an additional materials, Roof shingle Magic offers you covered.

Reviews along with Traditional Roof Treatments
Distinguishing Roof shingle Miracle together with classic roof solutions highlights the fineness. The sophisticated formulation

Shingle Miraculous Roofs: Enhancing Durability and Elegance

(AlfredCheks, 16. 11. 2023 2:30)

Any time this will come to residence servicing, the roofing is often disregarded, nevertheless this enjoyment the essential function throughout defending your residence. Within this kind of write-up, we all'll explore the revolutionary answer of Roof shingle Miracle roofing treatment, designed to be able to improve the actual lifespan and attractiveness of your roof roof shingles.

The Function of Roof shingle Miraculous
Roof shingle Miraculous is actually not really simply an additional roof therapy; this's any radical means to fix that goes over and above the particular regular. This plays a pivotal function within extending the actual lifestyle of your roof structure shingles, ensuring they put up with the examination of occasion and the aspects.

Advantages of Roof shingle Magic Roofs
One of the actual primary gains of Shingle Miraculous is its ability in order to stop the particular growth of moss, seaweed, along with mold upon the roof structure. This kind of not really only maintains the actual structural trustworthiness of the particular roofing however also improves it's artistic interest, retaining it looking pristine.

Just how Roof shingle Magic Works
The actual sorcery is placed within the application process. Shingle Miracle produces any protective buffer in the roof structure, avoiding the growth of dangerous organisms. The actual result will be any roof that not really just appears thoroughly clean and well-maintained but additionally appreciates long-long lasting security towards the elements.
Cost-Effective Roofs Servicing
Whilst a few may view roof structure treatments as a great unnecessary cost, Roof shingle Miracle proves to become the cost-powerful answer. The preliminary expenditure in this therapy can save you considerably in prospective restoration along with alternative expenses down the line.

Customer Customer feedback
Will not just take the expression regarding it—listen to coming from house owners who get experienced the actual sorcery automatically. Positive testimonials from Tile Magic users verify to be able to the actual performance of this kind of roofing therapy, showing genuine-existence instances of roofs transformed along with safeguarded.

Diy Software versus. Expert Services
Roof shingle Miraculous gives the particular versatility of each DIY request and specialized expert services. Although several homeowners might choose any DIY method, specialized application guarantees careful coverage as well as optimal final results regarding people in search of any hassle-totally free experience.

Tile Miracle throughout Severe Weather Conditions
Roofing face the particular push of severe climate circumstances, and Shingle Miracle increases to the particular challenge. This particular therapy offers robust security, guaranteeing your roofing remains flexible throughout the particular face of severe temperature components, which includes heavy rain, snow, along with intense the sun.

Environmentally friendly Effect
For eco-conscious homeowners, Roof shingle Miracle is any green solution. The therapy employs ecologically risk-free as well as eco friendly supplies, reducing its effect on the setting although nevertheless supplying top-grade efficiency.

Customized Solutions for Various Rooftops
Not really just about all roofing are usually the particular exact same, along with Shingle Miraculous identifies this. The remedy is actually personalized, offering customized solutions with regard to different roof kinds. Regardless of whether you possess concrete roof shingles, steel roof, or perhaps an additional fabric, Roof shingle Miracle provides an individual protected.

Evaluations together with Classic Roof structure Remedies
Distinguishing Tile Miracle together with traditional roof structure remedies highlights it's superior. The advanced formulation

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